Measure Advertising-Driven Brand Lift
Understand the impact of an early-stage video advertisement or video press release on brand sentiment.
Identify the Best Product Packaging
Evaluate product packaging designs across key metrics to determine top performers.
Track Attitudes & Usage
Track changes in sentiments and behaviors over time
Measure Advertising-Driven Brand Lift (Multiple Ads)
Understand the impact of multiple early-stage video advertisements or video press releases on brand sentiment.
Test Physical Products
Evaluate any physical product (i.e. clothing, durable goods, food & beverage) to determine how the product can be used.
Track Brand Health
Compare your brand's health with your top competitors by tracking brand awareness, conversion, and other key metrics over time.
Test Your Product Concept
Evaluate an early-stage product concept and its potential to succeed with a target market.
Identify the Best Print/Static Ad
Evaluate print or static ad designs across key metrics to determine top performers.
Benchmark System Usability
Measure how your UX or your competitors' UX stacks up against industry standards in terms of usability.
Benchmark Your Figma Prototype's UX
Measure how your digital Figma prototype's UX stacks up against industry standards in terms of usability.
Benchmark Website Usability
Measure how your or your competitor's website UX stacks up against industry standards in terms of usability.
Prioritize Top Features
Categorize features using the Kano model to identify critical requirements, potential delighters, and more
Identify The Best Claims
Prioritize claims or benefits across key metrics to determine top performers.
Identify The Best Names
Assess names for a product, brand, or feature across key metrics to determine top performers.
Identify The Best Logos
Test eight logos or thumbnail images across key metrics to determine the top performer.
Optimize Product Price
Determine the impact of product or service price changes on key performance metrics.
Check Community Health
Check-in on your community's health, their experience with the technology, and their brand affinity.
Measure Shopping Behavior
Collect feedback on consumers' shopping behaviors and the motivations for their behavior.
Determine Product Market Fit
Understand how your users perceive your product or brand and determine if you have achieved product-market fit
Measure Retailer Share Of Wallet
Understand how much money consumers regularly devote to your brand and competitors in the same category.
Measure Product Satisfaction
Measure a product's ability to deliver positive experiences for customers and users.
Measure Manager Effectiveness
Collect feedback from your team about your effectiveness as a manager.
Measure FC App Satisfaction
Collect community members' feedback on their usage of the Fuel Cycle mobile app.
Measure Employee Satisfaction
Collect feedback from your employees to understand their experience working at your company.
Measure Customer Satisfaction
Measure how satisfied your customers are with your products and/or services.
Measure Conversion Metrics
Understand the conversion funnel and projected share of wallet for your brand versus your competitors.
Measure Brand Perception
Understand how your brand is viewed by existing and potential customers to help guide your positioning in the market.
Custom Qual
Looking to start a qual project that doesn't fit with our base methodologies? Start here!
Custom Quant
Looking to start a quant project that doesn't fit with our standard methodologies? Start here!